Sodium Propionate

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Sodium Propionate

NUTRIVET-NAP is the brand of Titan Biotech Ltd. Sodium Propionate is salt of Sodium Hydroxide & Propionic Acid. Sodium Propionate is used to reduce the possibility of mold & aerobic sporulating bacterial development in feeds. It maintains the nutritive value & elongates the period of feed products can be used. Therefore, extend the shelf life of animal feed.

Sodium Propionate – volatile small, high temperature, animal adaptation and suitable for a variety of animal feed use. It is more effective in an acidic environment. Feeds and feed ingredients are generally slightly acidic (pH 6.0 or less), which helps in this regard.

Note: It is a GRAS approved food preservative. **Generally Recognized as Safe by FDA (As per cGMP 21CFR Para184.1081

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Specifications of Sodium Propionate:


  • Free-flowing powder, which blends easily with feeds.
  • Prolongs the shelf-life of feeds.
  • Non-toxic to animals.
  • Prevents molds from changing the composition of feeds.
  • Protects livestock & poultry from being fed poisonous molds.
  • Does not have harsh odor.

Sodium Propionate – Animal Feed and Supplement!


  • Higher milk yield (peak milk and/or milk persistency).
  • Increase in milk components (protein and/or fats).
  • Greater dry matter intake.
  • Stimulates rumen microbial synthesis of protein and/or volatile fatty (VFA) production results in improving the animal appetite.
  • Increase digestion in the digestive tract.
  • Stabilize rumen environment and pH.
  • Improve growth (gain and/or feed efficiency).
  • Reduce heat stress effects.
  • Improve health (such as less ketosis, reduce acidosis, or improve immune response.
  • Sodium propionate acts as a useful aid in preventing milk fever in cows.
  • Recommended dose is about110-115gm/dayper animal.
  • Recommended doses for the administration of Sodium Propionate in Guinea Pig is 5 – 10 gm/kg body weight.


Sodium Propionate - Poultry Feed and Livestock Feed:

  • It acts as a mold inhibitor, extend the shelf life of feed, helps inhibits aflatoxin production, helps in preventing second fermentation in silage, helps in improving deteriorated feed quality.
  • Recommended level of Sodium Propionate for inclusion in silage is 1.0 -10.0 gm/Kg.
  • The amount of Sodium Propionate used in livestock depends on the moisture content of the material being protected. Typical dosages range from 1.0 – 3.0 kg/ton of feed.
  • For poultry feed supplementation, the recommended doses of Sodium Propionate is from 2.0 – 8.0 gm/kg diet.
  • It can be used for the treatment of acetonemia (Ketosis) in dairy cattle.

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