Titagen® (Fish Collagen)

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Fish Collagen / Marine Collagen Powder

Titan Biotech Limited’s collagen peptide is one of the most popular healthcare products all over India because of its different features like high solubility, fine powder, wide applications in various fields like healthcare products, anti-aging benefit, nutritional smell free collagen supplement & clinically tested collagen, etc. We have been dealing in best marine collagen powder from years and believe in developing or upgrading our product according to our consumer requirement.

Note: Total customization is available from adding different flavors to vitamins.

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What is Fish Collagen?

Marine collagen/Fish collagen is a protein which is essentially the superhero of collagens sourced from fish. It is also widely known as Type I collagen. When it comes to both bioavailability & absorption the fish collagen is having the smallest particle size and lowest molecular weight out of all other collagen types. Being incredibly beneficial to the health of your skin which is the body’s largest organ and bones, the glycine and proline-rich collagen found in fish is totally beneficial.

The complex structural protein of fish collagen helps in maintaining the strength and flexibility of skin, ligaments, joints, bones, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, gums, eyes, nails which is the most abundant collagen in the human body. It is not only for the foundation for beautiful skin but also for strong connective tissues and sturdy bones.

Due to marine collagen’s higher absorbability that is up to 1.5 times which is more efficient into the body and has superior bioavailability over bovine, chicken or porcine collagens. It is considered as the best collagen source for medicinal purposes since it’s absorbed more efficiently and enters the bloodstream more quickly.

Marine Collagen Peptides is Made up of:

Most of the buildup of Fish or marine collagen powder is Type I collagen present in the abundant form in a human body. It is rich in two particular amino acids: PROLINE & GLYCINE. Proline is foundational to human body’s ability to naturally produce its own collagen while Glycine is foundational to DNA and RNA strand creation.

Benefits of Titagen®

  • Reverse the Sign of Ageing– Collagen supplements for skin are quite famous all over the India and Marine collagen is widely used in skin-care products as it has antioxidant properties that prevent or even repair the damage caused by environmental factors, such as UV rays and low humidity, as well as damage associated with the aging process. It also increases the levels of type 1 collagen which can help skin look firmer, increase smoothness, and help your skin cells keep renewing and repairing normally. Patients who have undergone Clinical trials shows excellent results like less wrinkles and improved skin hydration and firmness.
  • Strengthen bones & Joints– With the increasing age, human’s body cartilage weakens and you may feel stiffness or pain in joints. This means that with age, the natural collagen present in your body is depreciating which causes many difficulties. Loosing bone mass is the most common sig of ageing and after a certain age almost everyone has to go through it but marine collagen peptide may help you to overcome this problem by providing good amount calcium and other minerals that are essential for bone strength. Additionally, marine collagen supplementation may stimulate Collagen synthesis in the bones promoting bone-building cells.
  • Promotes Strong Hair & Nails – Collagen makes up a big portion of our hair and nails and there will be no harm if someone will use it as a supplement. In case someone is suffering from brittle nails and have weak routes of hairs then fish collagen peptide is the perfect solution as it will not only increase the levels of collagen in the body to support hair and nail health but also make them stronger day by day. One can add marine collagen for hair to beverages like smoothies, coffee, juices and see the improvement by own.
  • It can Act a Superior Protein Source for Weight Management – Fish Collagen is a pure protein source that does not contain any carbs, sugar or fat which make it pretty obvious that daily intake of hydrolyzed marine collagen may help to suppress appetite by keeping you feeling full longer and thus can help promote weight loss.
  • Improves Gut Health– Poor gut health can cause a wide range of symptoms linked to weight gain, bloating, anxiety, depression, foggy head – and a long term imbalance can seriously threaten our quality of life. That is why having a healthy gut is important for living a healthy lifestyle. Marine Collagen is proved to be on miracle supplement that your digestive system need to be in optimal health. The studies related to marine collagen show that it can help in this department too.



Almost 80% of your skin is made up of Collagen which is found in the middle layer called the dermis. Elastin is another protein to strengthen the skin and help it snap back into place when stretched.

The production of Collagen starts decreasing when you get older or we could also say that after the age of 25, we break down more collagen than we make so that’s why we start to see fine lines and wrinkles. From there, you start losing about one percent of your collagen each year which is needed to regenerate so your skin stays healthy as ever.

Fish collagen supplements for skin is proved to be more effective than any other products even when it comes to other sourced collagen peptide. Due to its smaller particle sizes compared to other animal collagens makes them antioxidant powerhouses. The Bioavailability is given here is highly important since it largely determines the efficacy of any nutrient a human ingest.

From acting as anti-ageing product to give nourishment to the skin, it works as a miracle product for everyone. Hydrolyzed marine collagen powder is not only for skin but also give support bones & joints, hairs, nail, teeth, gut and many more.

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